Northern California and London’s finest meet up in the gutter to bring you a killer new release. Modern Actions “Drink to Win” and the Botox Rats “Nasty Business” are two more upbeat, catchy hits that will be splattering nuts from the California coast to the English channel. Grab a baggie and a bottle and let the fun begin…
Both songs are exclusive to this 7 inch only and were not on the bands recent full lengths.
7” Limited to 300 total copies….150 with Modern Action bag…..150 with Botox Rats bag…there will be no represses
A-side: Modern Action – Drink to Win (2:18)
B-side: Botox Rats – Nasty Business (2:31)
MODERN ACTION VERSION: Limited to 150 copies…Pressed on Old Milwaukee Yellow vinyl and comes in a hand printed brown open-container-proof paper bag with Modern Action band photo on the front. Includes a two-sided lyric sheet/insert. Hand stamped/Numbered Modern Action Records logo on the back and sealed up nice and tight with a Green Modern Action Records sticker…WONKA FACTOR: ONE RECORD WILL COME WITH A HAND PAINTED GOLDEN MODERN ACTION BOTTLE CAP REDEEMABLE FOR AN AUTOGRAPHED CUSTOMIZED MODERN ACTION BRAND BOTTLE OF GIN…Only available through this site and a few select stores and mailorders…SOLD OUT!!
BOTOX RATS VERSION: Limited to 150 copies…Pressed on Old Milwaukee Yellow vinyl and comes in a hand printed brown open-container-proof paper bag with Botox Rats band photo on the front. Includes a two-sided lyric sheet/insert. Hand stamped/Numbered Modern Action Records logo on the back and sealed up nice and tight with a Red Modern Action Records sticker… WONKA FACTOR: ONE RECORD WILL COME WITH A HAND PAINTED GOLDEN BOTOX RATS CONDOM, REDEEMABLE FOR A BOTOX RATS – MODERN CEASARS GOLD VINYL LP…Only available through this site and a few select stores and mailorders…SOLD OUT!!
RECORD RELEASE POSTER: Limited to 100 copies…11”x 17”…some sent to stores…limited quantities available here.…$2
Curly doing some stamping and numbering…
Drying bags..yeah, stack em up, they dry quicker that way?
Marco sneering off the insert as only an Italian-Brit can do, making sure production is going smooth…
Curly and Shemp stuffing and stickering..
..while listening to surf and destroy radio thru the new Blackberry..
Seal em up…
Stuff em in a box, and ship em…