MAR014 Modern Pets – Vista Alienation 7″ (release date: National Ice Cream Sandwich Day, 8/2/11)

YES! a brand new 7″ from the Modern Pets outta Berlin. Once again the Modern Pets have churned out 3 more quirky, jerky nut smashers landing smack dab in middle of the valley carved out by the Briefs and the Shocks…Grab the gasmask, grab the sunscreen and pogo your nuts off…

7″ is limited to 300 copies….60 mailorder only copies…240 regular copies…

Lovesick (2:25)

Vista Alienation (2:17)
Berlin Beach (1:59)

MAILORDER “EYES” VERSION…limited to 60 copies…White Vinyl with matte finished printed cover sealed up in a screened/stamped bag with eye holes cut out…WONKA FACTOR: NONE..limit 2 per order, if you order more than 2 we will send you 2 and keep the extra dough…SOLD OUT

REGULAR VERSION…limited to 240 copies…White Vinyl with glossy printed cover…SOLD OUT

RECORD RELEASE POSTER…limited to 100 copies…11″ x 17″…$2click here to buy